Research Administration Software Services
MORE THAN PRODUCTS – A Professional Team To Partner With Your Institution for Training & Roll-Out, Data & Technical IT Team Services, System Integrations, Business/Research Process Reviews & Analysis, Accreditation Consulting, Expert Consulting, Productivity & Capability Enhancement.
Jumpstart Your Institutional or Company Research Team Productivity and Capability With InfoEd Global eRA Professional Services, Data & Technical Systems Support, Research Administrative Software, Research Process & Accreditation Consulting
Research Administrative Software Systems: InfoEd Global electronic research administration systems software offers a full range of professional services to help you maximize the value of your InfoEd software. InfoEd Global has all the resources your organization needs to successfully guide your projects from strategy to completion for research administration compliance.
Our Electronic Research Administration Software team will work with you to ensure you are optimizing your investment.
- Business Process Reviews
- Research Administration
- Research Compliance Software
- Server Configurations & Upgrades
- Data Conversions
- Rollout Plans
- Web Services / ESA / FSA
- System Integration Software Services
- Testing & Test Script Development
- Business Process Reviews
- Business Process Management & Reengineering

Industry Expert Consulting in Research Compliance Software
Business Process Reviews & Expert Consulting Services
InfoEd Professional Services Consultants meet with both the functional users and business owners at an organization to gain an understanding of their current business practices and how they use InfoEd in our Research Compliance Expert Consulting Services.
From this, the consultants are able to document the client’s current state/organizational process, analyze potential gaps in business processes and make recommendations for a future state.
Research Process & Accreditation Consulting
Industry Expert Consulting. Research Accreditation Consulting services to provide research organizations with business process analysis to streamline their processes, research outputs, maximize the efficiency of their offices and ensure compliance with standards for accreditation.
Research Process Consulting can include, but is not limited to, business practice recommendations, workflow analysis, workflow consultant services, consulting to integrate and incorporate reporting into business processes, accreditation compliance evaluation, and research compliance software.

Data & Technical Team Services – Data Integration Services

Data Conversions / Import / Export
Our research administrative software team provides professional services in performing hundreds of data conversions, allowing organizations to move data from other legacy systems directly into InfoEd OR a non InfoEd related tool.
Research Administrative Software clients work directly with our experienced Integration Consultants to determine what data should be moved, where it should be moved to, and how it displays in the InfoEd application.
System Integrations – Systems Process Integration Engineering
Web Services and API offer organizations the ability to retrieve, and potentially send, data to and from InfoEd in real time. The staging area approach which is used when possible removes the need to interact with client legacy data systems, which means that we can integrate with just about anything seamlessly through systems process integration engineering.
EForm / Batch Communication Development
InfoEd Consultants are able to assist development on, or construct entirely, eForms and Batch Communications which are essential to the way organizations interact with InfoEd.
Allow InfoEd to enable you to bring your eforms to the next level, using HTML and Javascript to enhance the look and feel as well as functionality and make updates to existing batch comm’s or eforms based on new institutional needs.
Authentication And Single Sign On Services
Many customers choose to integrate InfoEd with Centralized Authentication systems, such as LDAP or Microsoft® Active Directory®; or Single-Sign-On systems, such as Shibboleth®, or SiteMinder®.
Our research administration software solutions accommodate most common Web security and Web access management systems.
Web Services, ESA/FSA – Secure Data Loading And Transfer
Making use of staging table approach, InfoEd Professional Services is capable of creating repeatable processes to load or alter data, sometimes even including the ability to create brand new records in the system. Can be used for financial Data, Personnel HR Data, or any other record data to get it into and out of the InfoEd system easily and automatically.
Data Manipulation
InfoEd or within a non-InfoEd System. This can include items such as, but not limited to repeatable data purge scripts, merging objects within the system, changing/migrating department structures, combining/moving Codes and Tables and combining/merging personnel records.
Reporting – 3rd Party / InfoEd Tool
InfoEd Consultants can help organizations determine what reports they require, how to build them, or even train users how to build the reports themselves. In addition, InfoEd Consultants can construct views and data marts to organize client data and allow for more accessible reporting.
EForm / Batch Communication Development
InfoEd Consultants are able to assist development on, or construct entirely, eForms and Batch Communications which are essential to the way organizations interact with InfoEd. Allow InfoEd to enable you to bring your eforms to the next level, using HTML and Javascript to enhance the look and feel as well as functionality and make updates to existing batch comm’s or eforms based on new institutional needs.

Information Technology Team Services
IT Upgrades
InfoEd’s IT Services can provide upgrades for clients on unsupported environments. Services include but are not limited to performing the upgrade on the institution’s behalf, conducting Server validation prior to the upgrade, and shadowing an institution while their own team performs the upgrade.
Server Configuration
InfoEd’s IT Services also offers the ability to configure/triage database and application servers for an organization. This can include interacting with an organization’s Active Directory, LDAP, 3rd party applications or configuring their Application and Database servers.
Data Refreshes
Data Refreshes are another service offered by InfoEd’s IT Services, and allow organizations the ability to fully copy their data in one environment to another environment. Some choose to schedule these on a regular basis, monthly, annually, etc.
This eRA Research Compliance Software service has a fixed price, however there are value packages that can also be purchased.

Training, Documentation, Testing, & Roll Out Plan Services

Mod Admin Services
A cost effective way to add additional environments into a support agreement, access Professional Service resources, ability to direct development activities within scope and in collaboration with InfoEd Global’s product roadmap.
Training & Rollout Plans
InfoEd Global’s expert team members work in the InfoEd system day-in and day-out. Who would be a better fit for assistance with training? Offerings include but are not limited to one-on-one training to the eRA office administrators, training services during an implementation rollout (train the trainer) and large webinar sessions for end-users when rolling out a new module or changing business processes.
Premium Account Packages
A cost effective way to add additional environments into a support agreement, access Professional Service resources, ability to direct development activities within scope and in collaboration with InfoEd Global’s product roadmap.
Expedited Enhancement Request
Often times, an institution feels the need for a change to the system in order to streamline their business process or to bridge a gap that will make their process more efficient. Now, it is not necessary to wait until InfoEd determines this enhancement is critical. If it is mission critical for a team, it can be expedited using an expedited request.